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Writer's pictureEduardo Montes-Bradley

Exploring the Art of Collaboration in Sculpture: A Conversation with Bill Sherman

Updated: May 12, 2024

FROM THE EDITON ROOM | Join us for a look into the work we're creating in the Editing Room. In this brief excerpt from the sequences pertaining to The City Beautiful Movement in "The Italian Factor," Bill Sherman explores the collaborative nature of sculpture.

The images I used to illustrate the segment are those of Paul W. Bartlett working on "The Apotheosis of Democracy" and posing for a portrait with Getulio Piccirilli during the installation at the US Capitol.

In the timeline of events, this sequence, describing the nature and profound impact of the City Beautiful movement in America, is preceded by Michele Cohen, Curator for the Architect of the Capitol, as she explores the collaboration between the Piccirilli and Paul Bartlett on the pediment presiding over the entrance to the House of Representatives.

Sculpture is Collaboration: With Bill Sherman

It's important to note that the work we started today in Charlottesville is made possible thanks to a grant from The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation. Bill Sherman is Professor of Architecture at the University of Virginia.

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May 14, 2024

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