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3 min read
The Piccirilli Factor: Carving a Legacy of Art and Identity in America
Seeing this film was also a stark reminder of how few documentaries there are on skilled craftspeople and artists and more importantly, few
1 min read
Interview Insights with Lisa Ackerman and John Belardo
Back in Charlottesville, I eagerly began editing the footage captured last week in New York with Lisa Ackerman and John Belardo.
1 min read
Exploring the Legacy of the Piccirilli Brothers in Mott Haven: A Sculptural Masterpiece in the Bronx
NOTES FOR A DOCUMENTARY FILM | The Mott Heaven, once home to the Piccirilli Marble Carving Studio, is a part of the South Bronx that...
1 min read
Attilio Piccirilli at the MET
During last week's short visit to the MET I had the opportunity to recapture Fragilina, one of several idealized female nudes by Piccirilli.
4 min read
The Leonardo da Vinci Art School in New York Among the First Casualties of War.
The Leonardo, as it was affectionately known, opened its doors in 1924 with an inclusive, tuition-free platform.
1 min read
The American Renaissance in Buenos Aires
Exploring parallels in neoclassical sculpture in Buenos Aires.
2 min read
Getulio Piccirilli: A Leading Figure
In the annals of the Piccirilli family, hailing from Massa-Carrara, it was Getulio, the youngest among six siblings, who diligently steered
1 min read
The MET has made a significant stride in recognizing the work of the Piccirilli Brothers.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has recently made a significant stride in recognizing the remarkable work of the Piccirilli Brothers.
2 min read
Furio’s Seal: A Gallery of Events
NOTES FOR A DOCUMENTARY FILM - As I move forward cataloging the Piccirilli works for The Italian Factor, a documentary film currently in...
3 min read
Christopher Columbus is Dead
3 min read
St. Paul's: Looking for Piccirilli
It was a remarkable day today as I found myself stepping into the hallowed grounds of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
6 min read
The Leonardo: Art for the People
The Leonardo Da Vinci Art School of New York on the Lower East Side opened its doors in 1923. I
3 min read
Civic Virtue
This sculpture is known as an allegorical personification: a story or set of abstract ideas symbolized by the human form.
1 min read
A Different Perspective
My new film explores public monuments through eye-level angles, offering a unique perspective on the work of the Piccirilli brothers
3 min read
Omaggio Usa ai Piccirilli. Focus sul New York Times e un film-documentario
Tornano alla ribalta i fratelli scultori massesi che emigrarono negli States. Il regista Montes Bradley è al lavoro e sarà in città per...
2 min read
The Italian Factor' in Greenwich Village
In the midst of bustling streets and joyous festivities, I embark on a unique journey. The documentary in progress, "The Italian Factor," is
3 min read
Reviving the Forgotten Artistry of New York's Unsung Heroes: The Piccirilli Brothers
John Freeman Gill's recent New York Times article, "How Six Italian Brothers Shaped the Story of New York,” ...
7 min read
Piccirilli: Beyond New York
The legacy of the Priccirilli brothers beyond New York City. London and Harrisburg.
3 min read
Who’s that Girl
Most puzzling are photos from the Conner-Rozenkranz Collection featuring Attilio Piccirilli, his wife, and a young girl.
2 min read
Evidence of a Myth
With this photo, the old story feels more real now. It's like finding an old family wedding picture. This picture has given me some peace af
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